Here’s a saucy question to get yourself thinking: What if being nice isn’t actually that nice? First, let me tell you, I’m a “nice” person and I work with a lot of “nice” people. We’re good people. We want to do good in the world, help others, make this a more beautiful place, all while having this desire to be liked by everyone. That last part is when we get in our own way. That is when nice stops being nice. This is where we will start our journey together today. Being nice can be the very thing that is holding you back from your truest potential, and holding back others from theirs as well.
Here are three ways that being nice can be, well, not that nice and some journal questions to help you step out of nice-girl energy and into the fully-expressed bold you God made you to be. 3 Ways that Being Nice Really Isn’t That Nice You Hold Back Your Own Gifts When you have the desire to be liked and to belong, then being different than the rest or speaking up in a way that you haven’t before can make you feel at risk of standing out and create possibly of having people not like you. And as a person who loves to be liked, this can feel like one of the scariest things in the world. What you’re really doing is you’re holding back your genius, expertise, vision, wisdom and innovate thinking skills to either help a person, improve a situation, or stand up for what is right. When you hold this back you could potentially holding back your job or your own business from helping more people. And my guess is, if you’re a nice person you’re also in the business of helping whether that be in your business or in your corporate job. So, this essentially is sabotaging the very values that you stand for, all for the sake of belonging to a crowd, feeling included and being liked. When you think of it that way… well… ouch, right? Not nice at all. You’re Actually Kinda Pissed Off on The Inside Nice people can be really good at performing. We put a smile on our face and go with the flow for the sake of remaining likealbe and “not rocking the boat.” While you’re hard at work appearing to be nice, on the inside you may be stoming around and throwing a fit. What’s happening inside the you really isn’t nice at all. You’re starting to get resentful, annoyed, frustrated, impatient and likely even extremely judgmental of the very people you are being “nice” to. But again, you just want to be liked so you remain quiet and boundaryless. You don’t teach people how to treat you and instead keep going with it, until you can’t anymore. This is where something I’ve called the Tolerance Scales come in. At first you can tolerate things like sitting in meetings where no decisions are ever made, talking in circles, offering feedback and having it not be heard, aksing your spouse to help with something and having no follow through. And then ever so slowly, the scales start to tip. Those meetings you didn't mind are now becoming the very thing you despise. And that leads us back to problem number one… you hold back your gifts. So at these meetings you either check out or you start thinking unkind thoughts about others in the room rather than using your brain for good and helping the greater cause. Or with your partner, instead of simply sharing why you’re frustrated you just let that list grow and grow in your head while you stomp about the house making sure they can hear every cupboard door you’ve closed. Again… sooo not nice. Your niceness is costing your job or your business time and money. I coached a gal who was continuing to feel ongoing resentment and frustration in her workplace. The inefficiencies and lack of awareness were driving her crazy, but she had reservations on speaking out abou them. When I began to poke around the situation a little more and get deeper into it with her, she had this realization: “I don’t want to make a bunch of old men feel dumb.” And let me tell you, this coaching client of mine is a smart, high achieving owman. That’s the thing with the people I work with, especially the nice ones. They are smart, efficient, talented, high achieving, innovative people. But yet, they also don’t want to appear to be too bold out of fear that is may come across as demanding, bitchy, or too much for those around them. Again, all pointing back to the desire to be liked. But by this particular client keeping quiet about inefficiencies in the work place, she was potentially holding them back not only from big profits, but also valuable time and even bigger than that, quality employee retention. As we flip the narrative of “I’m just a nice person” you can see how your niceness can be the very thing that is getting in the way of you playing big in this life where you know you’re meant to do, be and spread more good. The truth is that you can be kind and speak up. In fact, being direct is the kindest thing that anyone could do. Could you truly imagine a world where we, especially as “nice people,” actually meant the words that we said? Imagine a world where we didn’t have 18 lays of hidden agendas, assumptions or unclear expectations behind the words we spoke out. If you’re a nice person who is tired of tolerating the price of being nice-all-the-time grab a pen and paper to journal out you answers to these questions:
____________ To take a deeper dive, listen to the latest podcast episode on this topic:
Some folks preach all about finding work/life balance. Some folks preach that balance just simply isn't an option.
Here's my perspective: peace. Where can you find and create work/life peace, cohesiveness, and harmony? Let go of the idea that the scales will be perfectly balanced between work and life because the truth is they're not that compartmentalized. Life impacts work, and work impacts life. So instead, let's tip the scales on peace. How can you find more peace, possibility, and ease in your relationship between work and life? Here are 5 tips that will elevate your work/life harmony: 1. Assess What’s going well right now? What is working and what feels good? Starting from these more positive-focused questions alleviates the feeling that there is so much to do and fix to make this work/life balance better. We may actually have a lot of things going well, it's just hard to see when we're consistently telling ourselves things are hard or they aren't going well. When we’re in misery, misery is all we see. So allow yourself a second to lift the veil of misery and start with questions that shift your focus to what is working. Then you can begin asking yourself what the challenges are, and what would I like to do differently? 2. Awareness Notice areas where you feel "off" and ask yourself why. Awareness and slowing down to investigate a feeling can often give us the necessary answers, especially when we come from a neutral space. Perhaps it's asking for more help at home, more help with a work project, or it's letting go of a commitment. It could be something as simple yet profound as changing a thought around your circumstances. What are you thinking that's creating this "off" feeling? 3. Allow the help you ask for. Ask for help, and then allow the help when you receive it. This one comes up so much for my coaching clients...control. We want to control the way the help helps. Instead, focus more on the result and less on the how. Is what you're needing help with getting fulfilled? If so, then allow the thought that there could be more than one right way to achieve what you're asking for help with. 4. Prioritize yourself on your calendar Plan YOU first on your calendar before the rest. Before you put down your kid's soccer, the family get-together, or the evening work meeting, designate time for your schedule fills up. This one takes work and practice so give yourself grace here, and you can start small- maybe you start with just one 30-minute workout class/week or an art class once a month and then build up from there. Ask yourself what would I like to do for myself simply for the sake of fun & enjoyment? Allowing this can be life-changing. 5. Tend to your energy in the moment. Slow down. Notice. Are you getting amped up with energy, jitters, and anxious feelings? It's okay. Just pause, close your eyes, and put your hand on your chest. Breathe in, breathe out. Say "be here now." Repeat, repeat and repeat again until calm is brought back to the body. Are you ready to bring harmony to your life & business? I will help you find that! Book a Focus Forward Consult today! Not liking your job is tough. It’s where one spends the majority of their waking hours, so if it’s something that makes you feel miserable, that can feel… well... awful. We can try to find the positive and see the gifts we are getting from it as best we can, but at the end of the day, if it’s not the right fit it simply isn’t the right fit. And yet, so many people, myself included, find changing a bad-fitting job challenging, especially if it's one that started great and you have spent years of your life together. I lived my life in that place for years. The person who dealt with the brunt of it was my husband. Here are three lessons I learned from doing something I did so often-- crying about my job to my husband.
1. Whining & doubting yourself isn’t cute. Listen, I get it. I get how it feels to dislike your current circumstances — your job. I get what it feels like to cry when you’re getting ready for work mustering up the will to show up another week once again. I get how it feels to have your ideas feel like they’re constantly shot down, and your concerns not being addressed. And I get how it feels to simply need encouragement from your partner when you don’t feel like going anymore. But eventually, the tears need to stop. They stop being cute. Their cue for sympathy stops working. They’re a starting point; they aren’t the solution. Eventually, the tears need to turn into you making a change, whether that’s changing your thoughts or changing your circumstance. When it came to whining and doubting, I often did one or the other. Whining about the job that I so badly wanted to leave, and yet also when I had my solution right there in my hands — my coaching business — all I did was doubt that too. Doubting yourself, and then whining about doubting yourself is not cute. This is something I did all the time. So there my husband sat, either being a shoulder for me to be miserable on or cheering me up to go all in on my business. He was in a damned if you do, damned if you don’t type of situation and I was the one putting him there. There wasn’t ever just the right thing he could say to make it all better. That my friend is not cute. Eventually, the tears need to stop. Eventually, you need to stop being the victim of your circumstances and take charge and change things. Living a life from the space of things happening to you is unattractive. And that’s what I did for such a long time. Instead, what is cute is saying enough is enough and taking one step at a time to change things. Perhaps it’s creating a LinkedIn account, updating your resume, or getting out a journal and getting clear with yourself on where you want to go, and what you want to do. Cute is taking care of yourself and creating what you want and no longer waiting for someone to make it all better for you. 2. You have to have your own back At some point, my husband got sick of giving me what I wanted— a you-can-do-it speech — and he gave me what I didn’t know I needed. Tough love. I remember the conversation vividly. Another day, another round of Kelly whining about the job yet doubting she could make this dream job —coaching— work. “Are you sure?” is a question I kept asking him. “Are you sure I can do this? Are you sure I can make this work?” He was good at answering the questions the way I wanted him to. Then one day he stopped. Instead, he answered the question the way I needed it to be answered. “Yes, I’m sure. We aren’t having this conversation again until you give your notice. I’m not doing this anymore. Either you do this thing and make what you want happen, or we stop talking about it completely.” Yikes, right? Way to put the tough in tough love. But in all seriousness, that is exactly what I need to hear at that moment. That answer pointed out two obvious things to me that I had been missing:
3. I was putting too much on one person Our partners can certainly be a person we talk to for literally everything in life, and they don’t have to be the only ones that we share things with. They don’t have to be the problem solvers of every little thing going on. When you put all that on one person, it can be a lot for them to bear. Yes, likely our partner is our best friend (or at least one of your best friends), but they aren’t your therapist. They have things going on that they could use some listening to as well. While our partners only want the best for us, they may not always be the best person to talk about these things with. When I allowed myself to work with a coach and had a neutral space where I could have my thoughts and feelings heard, it changed my life. I started seeing how I was getting in my way and was also finally able to see my strengths, gifts, and abilities. She saw me. She heard me. And she reflected exactly what I needed to do the big, scary thing — leave my job. And the funny thing is that when I began allowing myself this space of growth, leaving my job wasn’t scary at all, it was simply the next inevitable right step. If you're tired of crying to your partner about the job you're no longer feeling fulfilled at, reach out. I'm the boss at helping people quit their jobs because I have been through it all when it came to leaving my own. And I can help you leave yours! Schedule a free Focus Forward Consult here. Recently, I was talking to a business friend of mine. While we were on the zoom call I was folding the huge ass pile of laundry that had accumulated over the week. I was also sweating and hot from the shower I just rushed through to get ready for the next thing on my calendar and then the next thing… and then the next thing. Several times during our conversation, I did that hand wave by your pits thing and say “whew! I'm so hot!” My side of the conversation touched on all the things I was doing that I didn't really want to be doing. I definitely showed up as friend-Kelly rather than coach-Kelly (there's a difference y'all… Coach Kelly holds you up, questions the stories we tell ourself…. and friend-Kelly shoots the breeze with you and honestly has a whiney moment from time to time. What can I say? I'm human, too.) During our conversation of just allowing myself to let my guard down she asked me this question which struck me to my core, and was probably the most permission-giving question I've been asked in a really long time. It was this: Is it possible that you can take a chill pill for a little while?I literally had never allowed myself to think of that as an option. What if you just let yourself chill out for a day? What if you just took a breath right here in this moment? What if you just slowed the f down? What if you just said no to the things you want to say no to? What if you let white space take over your calendar a little bit? What if you let yourself BE OKAY with the down time your body needs? What if you didn't hit the gas so hard every damn day? What if you stopped freakin' worrying? What if you trusted? Those are all of my questions that popped up from her lovingly blunt observation — "Kelly, just take a chill pill." And here's the thing y'all…. whenever I'm experiencing something I know I'm not alone. In fact just last week I coached a client through the correlation of her fully-packed, demanding and exhausting schedule paired with a seven-pound weight gain. It's not coincidence these are happening at the same time for her. She too was experiencing what I am…. but her own way, and in her own version. Want to know the craziest thing of all? During this month where I've been feeling WOUND UP TIGHT I also sat down last night and realized this… this month has been my highest revenue month in my business. In other words, I'm actually doing alright. I don't need to be so wound up. It's working… it's all working, and it's all okay. And you are too….. you are OKAY right where you are right now. That stuff you worry about and stress out about… you're actually doing alright. That thing that you think is a problem likely isn't. It maybe just needs a reframe. A new perspective does wonders for the soul. So, today I'm getting real with and sharing my truth to say this-- you're not alone. And, help me feel not alone too. Tell me…. what has been making you feel heavy, tight, full and just sort of tense lately? Reply. Share. Let it go, let it out, let yourself feel less alone. Want to talk it out? Desire coaching support around this and how you too can take a chill pill? Reach out to book a consult today. It's free and you WILL leave that call with the exact next right steps to take. YOU ARE ALREADY THE SHIT!
This week, that is what came up as a potential title for my future everything… my on-stage talk, my book, my podcast.... basically everything. When people walk away from me, I want them to think this about themselves "I'm already this shit!" You don't need to change yourself or become someone else. You've already got everything it takes deep down inside of you. That gift, it's always been there. It's just that when you're so close to it… when you are yourself… it can be hard to see it. So today, I remind. If there is one thing I want people to walk away from a conversation from me knowing, it this: YOU ARE ALREADY THE SHIT. Your ideas? The bomb. Your vision? Limitless. Your value? Immense. Your truth? Spot on. Your desires? Vital. Your joy? Essential. Your silliness? Life giving. Your smile? Radiant. Your butt? Hot. Your heart? Genuine. Your talents? Incomparable. Your gifts? Magical. Must I go on? I can if you want me to. Email me, tell me what's going on for you and I'll tell you alllll the ways YOU are the shit. Question for ya….. How would you live your life today if you KNEW without a doubt YOU are the shit? What would you wear? What would you say? What would you eat? What would you do? WHO WOULD YOU BE? Ready to step all the way in to who you are & embrace what could be possible for you when you do? If yes, let's connect! Book a FREE Consult Today! When we don’t own own wins, we can’t repeat them… and we certainly can’t amplify them.
When we don’t own your wins, it becomes the equivalent of saying: “Oh, I just got lucky.” “Oh, it just sorta happened.” “Oh it was a fluke.” No, no & NO. You created that. How? Well, if you owned it, you could investigate, learn & know. Passing your wins off to fate or chance isn’t just a disservice to your future success, it robs all the people who could be impacted by you that experience. Recently I had a win that felt huge, but yet I had a hard time owning it. I had my highest revenue month happen in one day in my business. And, I wouldn't allow myself to own that, to celebrate it. Well, she's on a payment plan so it doesn't count… that was going to happen anyway. Well, her payment got delayed so it just happened to be made on the same day. See what I mean? In convincing myself that I literally had nothing to do with this day, I wasn't able to allowing myself to see the role I played in making this happen. I wasn't examining the ways in which I can create that again. I wasn't SEEING how it all matters, the connections, the conversations, the processes, the tools, the yes's to the intuitive hits. I actually did create that day, and I can create it again, and again, and again when I allow myself to see how I was instrumental in making it happen:
The same is true for you and your wins. Not just your wins, but your gifts. Sure, the world would be fine and remain status quo if you don't own them… we'll go on as-is not knowing the difference… but man, imagine if you did own them. Imagine the ripple that could create. Imagine the fellow soul you could help ignite.. and then imagine what they could do. See what I'm saying? OWN IT. In a world of oh it’s selfish to gloat, to brag, to talk about the good I do we aren’t doing anyone any good. What if being selfish and owning the shit out of your wins was truly the most selfless thing you could be doing? Our wins create a ripple effect beyond our knowing. Own them & create more of them… let your ripple effect create waves. Hey, you.
I want you to feel so much when you read this message. I want you to feel a bold sense of calm. I want you to feel strong and empowered. I want you to be so ignited that you shut the screen down and go forth with the decision you’ve been working through. I want you to know that you know exactly what is right. I want to remind you of your own strength and intuition. I want you to see you as the resilient being you are. I want you to know that you can do hard things, and that the hardest things in life sometimes create the most light and clarity. So…. To the woman doubting yourself, I see you. To the woman who is finally realizing “I DO have what it takes,” I see you. To the woman tired of being told what to do, I see you. To the woman who is denying herself the true answer of “what do you want?” I see you. To the woman who has no clue of the ripple effect of sharing her gifts with the world, I see you and I HONOR you. What if we all got a little braver? What if we all got a little bit more comfortable with the unknown? What if we started to realize the black of the unknown leads to the brightest light? What if? Honestly, what if? Today I challenge you to play the game of “what if” but not the way you’ve been playing it before. No more asking “what if I fail? What if they think I’m dumb? What if they think I’m too much?” No more playing the game that way. We all lose when we play the game that way. What if (see what I did there?) we played the game a little differently? What if we played the “what if question” where we veer down the path of success and possibility? A new version of "what if" What if I succeed? What if it actually is possible? What if I already have what it takes? What if I shared my truth? What if I could handle the waves that my truth makes? What if I was so good at making decisions? What if I could have everything that I want? What if I already know exactly what I want? What if I allowed myself to dream? Do you feel the difference between the two “what if” games? There’s clearly a version where no one wins, and there’s a version where everyone wins. The cool thing about it is that YOU get to choose the version you play. Every single day you get to decide what version of the “what if” game you play. Today on International Women’s Day I hope you feel the energy in this message. The truth being shared to you from my bones. I hope you allow yourself a moment to let your value sink all the way in, to see your worth is beyond measure and that playing the winning version of "what if" is the ONLY way to go. Knowing your value is a big deal. Knowing your worth doesn’t actually hinge on so much that we tend to think it does is liberating. You are a force. A force to be reckoned with. You are a wild woman with all the gifts that need to be shared. You are YOU and that is magic… absolute, blissful, freakin’ magic. Share this message loud and proud. Share it with the world. Share it with your sisters, whether they’re your family-sisters, friend-sister or soul sisters. May my possibility-mind be so contagious with the world that it inspires at least one woman to fully pounce feet first into her power. Let’s do this. Encounter #1
Earlier this week I was on a call with a handful of women. It was a scheduled call as a part of a membership community I’m in. In the beginning of the call, the eight or so of us in attendance were just chatting and connecting. One woman is only 1,000 km from Ukraine, the battle field so many of us are distanced from yet very emotionally impacted by. To hear her voice shook me. Not that long ago, she had vibrancy and joy in her voice, and in this call it was very somber. It was hard to understand her as the connection was choppy. That also spoke volumes to me. She said “we are safe physically, but emotionally disturbed.” And yet here she was on this call. Here she was taking a break from her reality to learn about something not at all related to her current situation, and to connect with other women. It was a break, a reprieve from the hardships she is experiencing. Encounter #2 Also, earlier this week I spoke with a woman who lost a dear friend and business support. They were each other's “go to” for questions and celebrations. They were a connection to one another in this often lonely world of entrepreneurship. This person, with a huge gift to share with the world, was hurting & in tears on our call. She was lost. She wasn’t feeling the will to keep going in her work. She simply just didn’t want to. But yet, she does want to keep going so badly, and that’s where the tears came from. "How??" was her question. She has a want to keep going, yet there is a lack of knowing what to do next or how to handle this grief being experienced. She does want to keep her business going, not just for her but also for the legacy of her friend. But sometimes feeling lost can get confused as a lack of desire to keep going. In connecting with her I was flooded with memories of the pain and the lost feeling I felt when my dad passed. There was a huge lack of desire to do anything at all. I flashed back to the days when all I could do was stare out the window and just be in a daze. “How is the world still going on when my world has stopped?” And yet, it still keeps going, it keeps spinning ‘round and ‘round. Eventually I found my way again. Eventually I found my drive. Eventually, I WANTED to be me again. Encounter #3: Another conversation I had this week was with a fellow coach, and was entirely different from the other two shared above. She showed up vibrant, excited and with vigor to move forward. She’s a bold and powerful force. We met for an exciting rebrand and it was a high energy, soul-nourishing conversation of possibility, hope and love for what we both do. Our conversation was all about the future- vibrancy, abundance, joy, desire, FUN, life. It was a light in my day and yet there’s still so much depth within this special encounter. All three of these conversations had a common theme running through them. That theme was resiliency. Resiliency doesn’t always mean that you’re beaten up, tattered and worn down. Resiliency is showing up as YOU, as-is. Resiliency is knowing that sometimes the world is just a dark gray place yet there is so much brightness and color to be shared. I share these three recent encounters in my week to say all this:
This isn’t the time to sit back and hope for happier times to put your dreams into action. This isn’t the time to think that what you do doesn’t matter or to think “who am I to share this with the world?” No. This is the time to double down and to go all in. This is the time that the world needs your light and your gifts more than it ever has. Imagine a world if more people went all in on what they really wanted to do, and showed up fully unapologetic as themselves with all their magnificent gifts on display. It would literally be the best thing ever. Today I dare you, I challenge you. Take a step forward. Do the next right thing to bring your dreams into reality. Why wait? Why not now? The world needs your light and vibrancy. _______ Do you want help and support in doing this? Book a consult today! I'm all about going all in, and I know you can do it too! Welcome to the new year of 2022.
This year I'm leaning into one of my most FAVORITE feelings: curiousity. When I'm curious I'm open to trying, I'm lighter, more playful, unattached and living in the fun land of experiments. "I wonder what it would be like to try." One of the things I'm curious about is to see what would happen if you I shared one courageous belief every day. That would add of to 365 courageous beliefs in a year. That's some big time belief, people! So, here's an insight into what I do. I take a circumstance, and in this instance it's been my 2022 revenue goal (it's a big one for me!) and I ask myself what do I think about this goal. Occassionally, it's not positive, high-belief thoughts. It's more like "who tf do you think you are to dream that big?!" type of thinking. And that's okay. I face it, I get clear with myself about why the heck I live in the land of doubt and disbelief. I also get really honest with myself about what sort of action (or in-action) I taken when I'm in the place. Typically, the actions do NOT lend themselves to my goal. In doing all that I then ask myself, "does this serve me?" Typically the answer is no. From there I go either two routes... I ask myself "How do I want to feel about this goal?" and then once feeling is decided I asked myself "What thought do I need to have in order to create that feeling?" OR I flip the questions. I ask myself "What thought do I need to have in order to achieve this goal?" and then ask myself "How does this thought make me feel?" From there, I then list out all the actions I can take to be in alignment with said thougths and feelings. Make sense? It's a process. It takes time, but I know (and have lived) the payoff is huge! So, that, in a nutshell is how I arrive at the daily thoughts I share. I pick a thought and carry that with me through the day. I let that thought and feeling set the tone for how I live my life that day. Pretty cool right?! If you want to deep dive in how you want to practice this daily in your life, reach out. This is a huge part of my coaching and how I help clients set and achieve their goals as well. Now, let's get to the good part... my first 7 courageous beliefs in 2022. Here they are:
Of these seven thoguths shared: -Which one would you love me to elaborate on most? -Which one are you going to stick in your back pocket to carry with you through life? Living a desire led life means putting feelings before actions. How do I want to feel today? How do I want to feel in this moment? How do I want to feel in my clothes? How do I want to feel during and after this meal? You’re getting the idea, right? You choose your feeling, THEN choose action, clothes, food, words, thoughts, etc. So often we direct our lives by our actions, expectations, obligations, or “shoulds” rather than intentionally showing up and choosing our actions based on our desired feelings. I’m here to tell you that life is too short to be living that way. It’s time to flip the process and ask yourself first, “how do I want to feel?” Then, select actions from there. If doing a complete reversal on your process seems too far fetched, just bringing your feelings to light may be a huge game changer and create a whole new awareness in your life that you’ve never experienced. But, here’s the real, hard truth. If you’re in pursuit of a present, pleasurable and joyful life you must be intentional about your choices, big and small. Your feelings matter. Your feelings are what make up your experience of life. Sometimes we do things that we don’t want to, or things that make us feel tight, restricted, tense or queasy because we have a deep fear of letting others down, of rocking the boat, or perhaps we have a sunk-cost mentality of “well, I’ve been in it for this long, might as well keep going.” But, what if you paused and asked yourself “how do i want to feel?” It may change your life in little ways like the way you dress (which can actually have a significant impact on your life) to what food choices you make (again, this too could be significantly impactful), to whether you decide you keep going to your same ol’ job. Those choices may end up making a big difference in your life. One of the biggest reasons why living a desire-led life matters is because when you do what you want, others benefit. It’s just as much about who you’re being as it is about what you’re doing. WHAT YOU DO
When you have the courage to step into what you DESIRE to do, others benefit from your actions. Let’s use some of my coaching clients as examples (names changed for anonymity). Shannon leaned into her desire to turn her art work into beautiful earrings. Not only does Shannon get to do something that she loves, she creates an opportunity for others to wear jewelry that completes their outfits, brings them joy or perhaps has deep meaning to them. Another example is Julie, a photographer. She does something she loves; takes photos. And, in turn others get to have beautiful memories or special moments in their life that they get to relive again and again every time they look at a stunning shot that Julie took. Let’s look at me, a life coach, as another example. I leaned into my desire to be a coach. It’s something I love to do, is so much fun and brings me a ton of joy. And you know what? People's lives have changed, and deep-rooted patterns have been uprooted and interrupted. The ripple effect of the work I get to do is far beyond my comprehension. WHO YOU ARE When you do what you want, it impacts who you are being. You show up willing and WANTING to be there. You show up with enthusiasm and joy. You show up with a deeper presence. You’re in the moment you’re in, not being distracted by all the places you’d rather be, or all the things you’d rather be doing. You SHOW Up, period. Everyday I talk to women who have shame around their wants. They’re afraid to get real, raw and true with themselves about what they want. But, when we can start taking small steps daily to check in with what we want and start taking actions on our desires it ever-so-slowly becomes easier and easier to live a life that is full of desire, joy and pleasure So, my tip to you today as you go about making choices is to ask yourself this question first: “How do I want to feel?” OR “How would this make me feel?” It’s a game changer, y’all. And dare I say, I think we’re all ready for a little change around here. |
April 2024
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