Predictable income requires a recognizable brand.
A recognizable brand starts with recognizing you.
Who are you
es·sence (noun) /ˈes(ə)ns/
the intrinsic nature or indispensable quality of something, especially something abstract, that determines its character.
the intrinsic nature or indispensable quality of something, especially something abstract, that determines its character.
What I heard time and time again on our calls is the power of community and the impact of being with others like YOU to keep this momentum going forward. This truly is a space for founders in their up-level.
Can you imagine what could unfold for you in 6 months from now?
You don't have enough time to not know what to do with the time you have.
You don’t have enough time to mosey along & piece your brand together here & there.
⚡️ It’s time to figure it out
⚡️ It’s time to get clear.
🍝It’s time to take all that spaghetti you’ve thrown up on the wall & make it into a beautiful, scrumptious entree.
😎It’s time to start seeing how you actually have your shit together, are so good at what you do & to start putting your craft out there like it’s your God-given gift to the world… because it is.
This is what we do in Brand Essence Activator. You ready light a little fire under your booty & get yourself moving forward with massive clarity?
🔥Brand Essence is the match.
⚡️ It’s time to figure it out
⚡️ It’s time to get clear.
🍝It’s time to take all that spaghetti you’ve thrown up on the wall & make it into a beautiful, scrumptious entree.
😎It’s time to start seeing how you actually have your shit together, are so good at what you do & to start putting your craft out there like it’s your God-given gift to the world… because it is.
This is what we do in Brand Essence Activator. You ready light a little fire under your booty & get yourself moving forward with massive clarity?
🔥Brand Essence is the match.
What you'll get:
- 6 months group coaching + community access to Founders just like you ready to uplevel their business and life.
- Brand Essence Curriculum to help you step out boldly as the bold Founder you're meant to be.
- Opportunity to be featured in Founder Magazine
- Monthly Activation Challenges
- Content feedback and development (this part is SO valuable)
- Bi-Weekly Coaching sessions (every other Wednesday at noon CST starting July 10th)
- Once monthly Workshops where we will deep dive into the content… consider it your accountability partner in getting things done and applying new learnings. This will be the first Thursday of each month (starting August 1st) and 9:00 a.m. CST
- We'll have our active community running inside Telegram to keep us focused, intimate and encourage engagement & dialogue between sessions.
- Access to discounted Intensive Sessions pricing
The minimum commitment for this is 6 months, and after that you are at-will to continue on or to remove yourself from the program.