1. Water first & then coffeeIt’s easy to go straight for the coffee pot, I know. But what’s not easy is the jitters that come from too much caffeine without anything else... hydrate then caffeinate. 2. Protein first. Cookies & treats last.If I start the day with sweet foods, it’s all I want all day long, and then I’m dragging. Start with what you know makes you feel good... then treats later if you still want. 3. Write for 5 minutes in the morning.Grab a pen, set a timer, move the pen on paper. taking a few moments in the morning to get the swirl out of your head & onto paper will change your entire day. Bonus 5 minute writing energy boosters:
4. Check the mail.Take a break from your work, get outside, walk to the mailbox.. and then walk more if you’re into it. 5. Text a friend & say hiConnection is life-giving! This is what I like to call a two-fer. Two people win with this one. You get a serotonin boost by sending out love to someone you love, and it makes their day to know they’re being thought of. REMBER: STUPID SIMPLE. Different from “keep it simple, stupid” but rather keep it stupid -simple.... like “omg this is so basic and simple, but it actually helps a ton.”
More energy is available to us all right here and now... it doesn’t take a ton of effort to shift your mood & feel good if you know how. Take care of YOU.
April 2024
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